Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

A popular idea is to believe that selling jewelry is the easiest thing in the world: they are already beautiful, you just have to display them and you’re done! In reality, it’s not that simple.

Insofar as they are luxury products and not basic necessities, jewelry is not sought after except for birthdays and during festivities. Therefore, jewelry needs a little boost, namely elegant jewelry displays that will make it even more special.

Just as beautiful eyes can only be enhanced by the right makeup, your jewelry can only look even more precious with To Be Packing holders! Indeed, the purpose of the displays is to bring your jewelry to life and transform your shop into a real gem! It is not enough to choose any medium to give light to your jewellery: it is necessary to have displays allowing the jewelery to be showcased, thus highlighting their personality. But to create effective jewelry storefronts , it will be necessary to put in place a visual strategy that will leave nothing to chance.

What story do I want to tell through my showcase?

Every jewelry store has at least one strength that determines its uniqueness within the business context. Therefore, trying to reach all types of customers is utopian besides wasting unnecessary time: it is better to select a specific target and focus only on it, without wasting precious energy. The window is the business card of a store because it is the customer’s first approach to the products: in short, an intelligently prepared window can make the difference and increase visits from potential customers. Whoever buys jewelry does not just go to a simple store but intends to dive into a magical world: that is why the items displayed in the window must tell a fantastic story.

Jewelry displays should not only show the items, but should also stimulate the imagination of whoever looks at them and provide valuable insights into how they can be worn. If, for example, you want to suggest to a potential customer that the Swarovski set could be perfect for their wedding anniversary, you have no choice but to create a romantic showcase: black velvet will be enough to bring out the sparkle of crystals, a bottle of champagne and two elegant flutes will finish creating the magic!

Tips on how to arrange your storefront

1) Careful lighting study

Jewelry needs the right lighting to shine in the eyes of whoever looks at it! It is not necessary to install spotlights throughout the window: it is the earrings that must shine, not the eyes of the observer!

Don’t put all the items on display, but try to highlight your best features: just suggest a few ideas about what your jewelry store has to offer. Hoarding items of all types in one window affects the visual effect and certainly does not make you want to cross the threshold of your store.

Remember that the storefront is not a catalog of products.

2)Combine the colors

Good taste always pays off and the right color combination is certainly no exception. the showcase and the jewelry. Colors are also important because they act on an unconscious level, arousing feelings and emotions in those who observe them: an element not to be underestimated!

3) Take care of the layout

When you install the products in the showcase, you should focus on a focal point where to place your flagship jewelry. The focal point is right in the center, at a height of about 1.5 meters. Then the eye will tend to move first to the right of the focal point, then to the left: you will be able to better arrange your jewelry.

4) Create magic

The year is full of celebrations and festivities that can be harnessed to create special showcases capable of immersing customers in a magical atmosphere. The installation must be studied at least 14 days before the event in question: creating a roadmap will help you to organize yourself effectively!

It is advisable to renew the windows at least once a month to avoid the risk of losing the interest of customers, especially those who pass by your store every day.

Jewelry displays from To Be Packing

To Be Packing, world leader in the packaging sector, offers a wide choice of products with 100% Italian design. To Be Packing designs and manufactures personalized packaging dedicated not only to the jewelery sector, but also to that of cosmetics , wine and food and fashion . Made with very high quality materials and characterized by an elegant and sophisticated design, your displays will transform your shop windows into real jewels. Jewelery displays to create a one-of-a-kind product!


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